Eleanor Mcleod
Eleanor McLeod comes from Swansea where she gained a love of performing and the spoken word through the LAMDA examinations, gaining her teaching diploma. She became a professional actress for more than twenty years, frequently presenting Shakespeare to schools all over the world and working on radio and television in the UK. She is currently a teacher of Speech and Drama, a member of the LAMDA Examining Board and a British and International Federation of Festivals adjudicator. She still performs when she has time, and as a writer, has had two book of her poems published called “Poems for Children to Enjoy and Teachers Too” and “More Poems for Children to Enjoy and Teachers Too” and a selection of monologues and duologues for young performers, called “Scenes for Young Performers to Enjoy“. She is always pleased to share the talent of young Festival performers as their enthusiasm is a joy and she is passionate about nurturing the spoken word in this age of digital communication. Praising their work is such a pleasure.
She has been a regular adjudicator at the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival and so knows how confident these young performers can be.